For its groundbreaking series, Hooker Stories, porn powerhouse NakeSword Originals worked with real-life escorts Rafael Alencar and Tommy Defendi to find out about life behind the closed doors and drawn blinds. Now Hooker Stories takes you deep into the sizzling world of gay escorts: married men, party guys, first-timers, and more. In this world everything is up for grabs, but nothing comes for free. So block your number, dial the phone, and make that call.
Hooker Stories 3 Episode 2: Next Time, I'm Payin
Naked Sword's most popular all-sex series......
Hooker Stories 3 Episode 1: Stay For More
Naked Sword's most popular all-sex series......
Hooker Stories 2 Episode 3: You've Been Served
They say divorce leaves a hole. In Kyle Quinn's......
Hooker Stories Episode 4: Daddy's Boy
For its groundbreaking series, Hooker Stories,......
Hooker Stories Episode 1: The Professional Escort
For its groundbreaking series, Hooker Stories,......
Hooker Stories 3 Episode 3 : Goods For Goods
Naked Sword's most popular all-sex series......